

Yan Li distinctly remembers the first time he saw his beloved American football team, the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame, play a home game. In 2004, Yan was attending Notre Dame University in the U.S. for his MBA. The Fighting Irish were suffering a tough season. Their opponents, the Michigan Wolverines, were riding high as the 2nd ranked team in the country. The two teams had a historic rivalry with each other. The atmosphere was electric and extremely patriotic in the aftermath of 9/11.

严立和其他五名中国学生坐在一起,见证了近8万名学生、校友和粉丝在一位圣母大学2001届非洲裔美籍女性毕业生的带领下,一起唱国歌的狂热气氛。911事件后不久,她加入了美国军队,并被派往伊拉克。在一次公路爆炸袭击中,她失去了右臂。在她的带领下,人们大声地唱着国歌,此情此景,严立和他的五位中国同学饱含热泪。 “大家对圣母大学和爱尔兰斗士有着强烈的归属感,”他说。“这个时刻、这场比赛超出了球队、战争和民族。相反,它代表了一种自豪感,属于更伟大的人道主义精神。当严立回忆起那场比赛时,情绪非常激动。 “在我内心深处,我知道总有一天我要别人分享这种感觉。”

Yan and five Chinese students sat together among the madness, witnessing nearly 80,000 students, alumni and fans singing the national anthem led by an African-American woman and a Notre Dame graduate from 2001. Soon after 9/11, she enrolled in the U.S. army and was sent to Iraq. She lost her right arm in a road bomb attack. As the crowd roared out the anthem led by this woman, Yan remembers how he and the five other Chinese students were all in tears. “There was a huge sense of belonging to the crowd, to Notre Dame and the Fighting Irish,” he says. “The moment and the game transcended the teams, the war, and nationalities. Instead, it represented a sense of pride and belonging to something bigger, the human spirit.” Yan’s emotion is evident as he recalls that game. “Inside my heart, I knew I wanted to share this feeling with others someday.”


Today, Yan, delivers management and leadership development workshops based on the game of American football. He is living proof that it’s possible to turn your passion into a successful, thriving business. Yan left the corporate world and his role as Country Marketing Manager at a global logistics company in 2015. With only an intense self-belief in the value he could deliver, an incredible enthusiasm for the game of American football, and a two year time limit from his wife, Yan found a way to combine what he loves with his skills as a trainer to develop a winning training course that teaches corporate leaders how to play like a champion.


However, creating a business out of nothing, based on a sport that 99% of Chinese people have never even heard of, seemed crazy and unrealistic. So, how did he turn his passion for something into a successful career and a livelihood? Yan highlights three key things.



Do what you love


More than anything, Yan says that you must have an insane amount of love for the thing that you do. And even more importantly, a burning desire to share it with others. Football “makes me a bit crazy,” admits Yan. “Nothing else like football can get me to spend night after night studying it. I talk about football with everyone.”


His love of football developed almost unintentionally. He first heard of the sport from his father, a state-sponsored scholar who completed an exchange at UC Berkeley in 1981. His dad told him about how Americans were mad about this game called football. Then, Yan’s college professor in the early 1990s, Professor Johnson, would show videotapes of classic football games in his class to teach his students about theimportance of teamwork, trust and communication.


Then, when Yan received a scholarship for his MBA from Notre Dame, he had no idea it was such a big football school. Once he got there, however, he hardly ever missed a game. Since that time, Yan estimates that he’s dedicated over 8000 hours of his life to football, including blogging, watching, studying, training, and even doing live commentating on NFL games in China. With 200 workshops delivered, Yan says that each time he does his training, it still feels like the first time to him. He believes in the power of sharing the feeling he has for football with other people, and believes that “this feeling will make people better.” This has helped him to persist through very tough times and translate his love and passion into a successful business.



Believe in what you’re doing


Yan’s deep belief in what he could offer first came to him while in his last company, where he delivered a talk that combined corporate training and football. He received great feedback. That was especially encouraging since the audience was made up of about 75% women who were completely new to the sport. From this first experience, he knew he was onto something. So much so that when the company was acquired, Yan made the bold decision to pursue his dream. That required a huge amount of self-awareness and courage on his part.


Delivering something so unfamiliar to a Chinese audience may appear totally irrational at first. But over time, his novel approach has actually worked in Yan’s favour. His workshop does things differently and delivers something unique and valuable. So according to Yan, having real confidence in yourself and an unwavering belief in what you have to offer is essential for successfully turning your enthusiasm and obsession into a career.



Dedication and perseverance


Undeniably, transforming something you love into something you can make a living at also means fighting through setbacks and disappointments. You must keep going against the odds, even when success seems far away.


For example, when Yan first started out in 2015, he sold courses to study agencies for students going to the U.S. to help them understand American campus life. When his original plan wasn’t working, he didn’t give up. Instead, he decided to change directions and offer his workshop to leadership teams and companies. Still, his first two years were slow, with just 11 and then 15 workshop deliveries. At the end of year two, his wife very reasonably asked Yan for proof that what he was doing could pay off to give her confidence that he could succeed.


Yan says he just “had a feeling” that his workshop was starting to build momentum and a reputation in the market. And that it had the potential to be something bigger and better. Sure enough, in his third year, he saw a steep increase in interest and delivered 40 workshops. In 2019, Yan has surpassed that number of deliveries in the first half alone!


So, if you feel stuck doing a job that doesn’t spark passion, excitement and joy within you. If you dream of transforming your true interest into your career. Then, think of Yan and what he’s doing. He’s taken something completely unfamiliar to the market and turned it into something unique and attractive. He’s living proof that believing in your passion, believing in yourself, and persevering despite the odds can get you what you want.​​​​



类型:武侠 动作 枪战 其它 2012 

主演:丽兹·卡潘 乔舒亚·杰克逊 阿曼达·皮特 伯特·布洛斯 Gary Pe 





对我来说,这是卡普里岛最迷人的地方之一。在卡普里岛的街上,能看见穿夹脚拖的,也能看见穿高跟鞋的;有穿比基尼的,也有穿高级定制晚装的,大家和谐地走在街头,手拿刚买的柠檬酒。游人们每逢夏日便坐上游艇,来到那不勒斯湾的这座10平方公里出头的岛屿上。意大利线上零售商巨头LuisaViaRoma第六届LuisaViaRoma for UNICEF慈善晚宴也选在卡普里岛举办。

从 19 世纪开始,在首都气温过高的季节,卡普里岛就成为了罗马贵族的度假胜地。包括奥斯卡·王尔德、亨利·詹姆斯在内的许多名人经常光顾该岛。20世纪30年代起,格蕾丝·凯利、温莎公爵夫人、伊丽莎白·泰勒等名流也成了卡普里岛的常客。

近一个世纪后的今天,卡普里岛依旧受到世界名流的青睐。国际巨星詹妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez)、著名导演斯派克·李(Spike Lee)、台湾名媛孙芸芸等当代名人名流受到LuisaViaRoma邀请,于2022年7月的最后一个周日晚齐聚卡普里岛,出席了LuisaViaRoma和联合国儿童基金会联合举办的夏日慈善晚宴。


(左)LuisaViaRoma创始人Andrea Panconesi、(右)著名导演斯派克·李


澳大利亚博主Lily May Mac、香港知名创意总监Declan Chan也作为亚太地区年轻意见领袖,受邀出席晚宴现场。

澳大利亚博主Lily May Mac

香港知名创意总监Declan Chan

拍卖会的亮点包括艺术家Refik Anadol的作品AI Data NFT Painting、一场法国战斗机特技飞行体验、一辆ARES Modena特别定制的S1 Project汽车、一只来自珠宝商Jacob&Co.的独特《教父》音乐腕表、艺术家Enrique Cabrera创作的与实物大小一致的青铜公牛雕塑“El Toro de Oro”及一辆1969年奥斯卡提名电影《逍遥骑士》工作室的摩托车。

青铜公牛雕塑“El Toro de Oro”


晚宴当天上午,我在卡普里岛的一个海边餐厅里,见到了LuisaViaRoma的创始人Andrea Panconesi和新任CEO Alessandra Rossi。他们谈了LuisaViaRoma引起业内关注的新变化,对这次晚宴的看法以及对LuisaViaRoma未来的规划。

LuisaViaRoma是世界领先的时尚奢侈品线上零售商之一。由Panconesi家族于1929年创立,从坐落于佛罗伦萨Via Roma的一家小型帽子精品店起步,在2000年初创立了 LUISAVIAROMA.COM,成为将实体店与线上时尚平台相结合的先驱。从这个角度看,LuisaViaRoma是一个不折不扣的家族企业。


而这家拥有90年历史的家族企业却在去年九月底宣布与投资方Style Capital合作,后者以1.3亿欧元获取LuisaViaRoma 40%的股份。Andrea Panconesi仍持有60%股份,并担任董事会主席。前Yoox Group(现为 YNAP)的高管Alexandra Rossi被任命为LuisaViaRoma新CEO。业内开始纷纷猜测,Andrea要退休了吗?我也问了他这个问题。

“没有,我的职业生涯才刚刚开始”。 Andrea以他一贯打趣的口吻说道。





这样一座古老的岛屿上,每天都有新鲜事发生。比如年轻女孩听说莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥这两天也在岛上,就在晚宴门口深夜排队等候。我离开的时候,队伍还很长,不知道她们能不能见到自己的偶像。但我知道的是,和新石器时代与青铜时代的人类祖先一样,LuisaViaRoma的Panconesi家族、当晚备受瞩目的Jennifer Lopez、甚至这些排队的年轻女孩们,都将成为卡普里岛历史的一部分。

(文中图片来源于LuisaViaRoma及作者Lottie Pang)





庞乐天aka Lottie Pang,目前定居法国



《New York Times Style》中文版




Instagram: @lottiepang




答:这部影片的上映时间是2024-04-26 04:20:32




答:在线观看非常完美是由达达执导,丽兹·卡潘,乔舒亚·杰克逊,阿曼达·皮特,伯特·布洛斯,Gary Perez,Tiago Roberts,菲奈莎马丁内斯,Jesse Mackey,Alfred Smith III,安东尼·L·费尔南德斯,Michelle Twarowska,鲁本·达里奥,阿丽莎·吉勒斯,Theo Wilson,杰西卡·哈珀,托克斯·奥拉贡多耶,约翰·盖兹,旺达·德·杰索斯,大卫·苏利文,卡洛斯·普拉斯,Randy Vasquez,肯佐·李,Peggy Dunne,丹·华纳,坦琳娜·庞西,西尔·布罗迪,戴维·索西多,沈明领衔主演的国产剧。








游客bx5NOD3网友评论:2023热播 如何把爱好成功变成事业?等到第六层的时候,在这里终于感受不一样的气息,一团团属于地狱之塔的力量,在和那股奇异的力量相互僵持着,而在这个中间的地方,一个通天的白色石柱耸立在那里,在他的四周无数涟漪不断翻腾升起。

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